Editing Client
Access the Client Details by selecting the Client you want to edit in the Clients list.
You will notice that there are several key tabs, which we will cover in detail.
Details Tab
The details tab will display the following with Client ID being readonly:
Client ID
Display Names
Documentation about internationalisation here.Application Type
value isWeb
Security Tab
The security tab allows you to modify setting related to client security, they are as follows:
Client Type
specifies if the client can hide the credentials like the secret (confidential) or not (public)Client Secret
secret used by various methods of auth that require itConsent Type
specifies if a consent screen is needed
Application URLs
The Application URLs tab allows you to register alloed callback and signout urls for this application.
Token Request
The Token Request tab allows you to configure settihbg related to the token request, and they are as follows:
Require PKCE
specify if the client requires PKCE to be usedGrant Types
allowed grant typesResponse Types
allowed response types
Allowed Scopes
In the Allowed Scopes tabs you can specify scopes allowed to be used by a client, this is displayed as a list of available scopes that can be selected and deselected. Next to each scope there is also a link to the referenced scope in AdminUI.
Claims (Machine to Machine Clients Only)
For clients that have the Client Credentials grant type appied you are also able to configure associated claims. Here is an example of what the claims tab looks like on a Postman Client which has the role AdminUI Administrator assigned.
These are the claims that will be stored in the Application propety bag for this client, there is more documentation on why we have done this and how it works here.
Advanced - Endpoints
The Advanced in point tab will be visible as soon as you click on the Advanced tab in the client edit view, this tab provided access to configuration of endpont permission for the client.
allows use of Authorisation endpointsDevice Authorisation
allows use of Device Authorisation endpointsIntrospection
allows use of Introspection endpointsEnd Session
allows use of Logout endpointsRevocation
allows use of Revocation endpointsToken
allows use of Token endpoints
Advanced - Lifetimes
The second tab under the advanced section is Lifetimes. This provides access to configuring the lifetimes of auth codes and access tokens and are as follows:
Authorisation Code
allows you to configure the lifetime of Authorisation Codes at a client levelDevice Code
allows you to configure the lifetime of Device Codes at a client levelUser Code
allows you to configure the lifetime of User Codes at a client levelAccess Token
allows you to configure the lifetime of Access Tokens at a client levelIdentity Token
allows you to configure the lifetime of Identity Tokens at a client levelRefresh Token
allows you to configure the lifetime of Refresh Tokens at a client level
Advanced - Properties
On the Properties tab, you can add, modify and remove entries from the properties bag.
When adding or updating a property, the value must be in valid JSON format:
Saving and Deleting
The 'Save All' button at bottom of the page will be enabled with any valid change. When you are done and wish to keep those changes click the save button.
In this same part of the screen there is also a delete button for removing this Client from the database.